

Table of Contents





  1. Load the relevant module: λ> :load <module.hs>
  2. Set a break point: λ> :break <identifier> where identifier can be a function name or line number
  3. Evaluate relevant expression and inspect it with :λ> :print <identifier>

In the output _result is the name of the value of the current expression. When working with let expressions the break point will be upon the body of the expression rather than any of the values bound. The break command can also be used to set breakpoints in other modules with :break <module> <n>, although you have to be a little bit careful in this situation, since some functions may go out of scope as you move between modules.

You can always use :help to get a listing, but here are some useful functions

Command Function
:list See current line
:print Print variable
:step Step to next expression
:continue Run to next break
:show breaks Show break points
:delete <n> Delete break n

Note that because the expressions are only lazily evaluated you may need to use the seq function to force their evaluation in order to see what they are. You can fmap (flip seq ()) onto a functor to force the evaulation of its contents.

Less recommended way of debugging

The trace function provided by Debug.Trace from the standard library is a good way to inspect the values of variables from pure code while debugging. The following function is nifty way to get a print out of particular values through the computation.

import Debug.Trace (trace, traceShow)

-- | Helper function while debugging.
-- >>> showAndTell "foo: " 1
-- foo: 1
-- 1
showAndTell :: Show a => String -> a -> a
showAndTell msg x = trace (msg ++ show x) x

The GHC user guide has a section on the GHCI debugger.

.cabal and Cabal

The first part of a cabal file is called the package properties and then definitions that come after that are called stanzas. You can use common stanzas to keep cabal files DRY. There is also dhall-to-cabal if you want a more powerful way to write cabal files.

stack and friends

stack and cabal are the main build tools for haskell. stack was created as a more user friendly version of cabal.

Installation, upgrading and uninstalling

There is a script from commercialhaskell which installs stack

curl -sSL | sh

The executable is in /usr/local/bin by default. To upgrade stack there is the stack upgrade command. To uninstall, remove the stack executable and ~/.stack and the .stack-work from any projects using stack.

stack installs to /home/<username>/.local/bin by default, so you should add this to your path

export PATH=/home/<username>/.local/bin:$PATH

Help! .stack takes up too much space

The current solution to this appears to be just deleting .stack once in a while. This is a little bit wasteful because you'll need to download a bunch of dependencies afterwards the next time you build a project, but this does remove what can otherwise be a huge directory of unneeded material.

Starting a new project

stack new <project-name> <template-name>
cd my-project
stack setup
stack build
stack exec my-project-exe

Here <project-name> is the name of the directory that will be created to house the project and <template-name> is the template to use; I like the simple template because it uses cabal directly and is free from clutter. If there is only library code and no executables, then the simple-library might be a cleaner choice. Packages get added to package.yaml under dependencies: and you start the REPL with stack ghci. Projects are configured by the .cabal file, for simple and simple-library. stack can use hpack to convert a package.yaml file to a .cabal file.

Starting a new project (with white chocolate macadamia)

I wrote white-chocolate-macadamia which defines a minimalist project template. It is hosted here. To start a new project with it use the following command

stack new my-project


If you are ever unsure about some aspect of stack, appending --help is usually pretty enlightening. There are few ways to initialise a project using some standard templates.

stack new <package-name>
stack new <package-name> <template-name>        # Use a particular template
stack new <package-name> --bare <template-name> # Without subdirectory

To build the targets described in the .cabal file there is stack build, but unless you need GHC to optimise the executable, adding the --fast flag will make it run faster. There is also the --file-watch flag which will cause it to recompile each time that files are edited. There are many commands within stack which are listed in the documentation. Run the executable with

stack exec -- <target> [arguments]

To run the tests there is stack test. To build the documentation there is stack haddock which if you only need the documentation of your dependencies, you can speed up with --haddock-deps. Once you have the documentation build, you can open the documentation for a particular package in the browser.

stack build --haddock-deps
stack haddock --open <package>

To make the documentation searchable like the online version (though noticibly more responsive) you can run a hoogle server. But first you must index the documentation, and this will need to be done every time your dependencies change.

stack hoogle -- generate --local
stack hoogle -- server --local --port=8080

Building with nix

When using stack and nix, the haskell dependencies are managed by stack and only the non-haskell dependencies are managed by nix. You need nix installed on your system for this to work, it will not be installed by stack. Adding the following to your stack.yaml file will tell stack that you want to build your package in a nix shell with these packages available.

# stack.yaml
  enable: true
  packages: [glpk, pcre]

You will need to double check that the resolver you have specified corresponds to one of the GHC versions that are available in your nix channel. To find out which versions of GHC are available to you, drop into a nix REPL with nix repl and then load the available packages with :l <nixpkgs> then ask for a list of the available compiler versions with lib.attrNames haskell.compiler.

Further notes
  • use cabal2nix to convert a project's cabal file into a nix derivation. As a result, every time the cabal file changes the nix derivation will need to be regenerated.
  • The nix-build command is used to build a package and the nix-shell command is used to enter a shell configured for development of the package. You'll one nix file for your overall package which imports the one that was generated by cabal2nix.
  • Despite being able to use nix to build your haskell project, Gabriel recommends sticking with cabal and just using nix to provision the development environment.


GHCUP is a tool to simplify the process of managing the Haskell toolchain. The following is a very nifty command to install a particular version of GHC and the associated language server for your IDE.

# set the currently "active" GHC version
ghcup set ghc 8.4.4

Profiling programs with stack

Stack provides some features to help make use of GHC's profiling features. This is useful if you are trying to find bottleneck's in your program. If you want to benchmark different methods you probably want to look at criterion.

  1. Recompile your project with --profile
stack build --profile
  1. Run the program passing the correct flags to the run time
stack --profile exec -- my-program +RTS -p
  1. Inspect the resulting .prof file.

One way to inspect the .prof file is to use the profiteur tool to generate a tree map of both the time and allocation required to run the program. This program can be downloaded via nix.

nix-shell -p haskellPackages.profiteur

Benchmarking with criterion

Criterion is the tools for benchmarking code. This is useful if you have a couple of candidate implementations of a computation and you want to compare them. If you want to find bottle nexts in you program, you probably want to look at stack's profiling features

You build an application with defaultMain which sets up the benchmarks with a CLI. The defaultMain expects a [Benchmark], you group multiple benchmarks with bgroup, you create Benchmark objects with bench.

If you want to use some pre-computed environment variables in a benchmark, you need the env function to manage this. The following snippet demonstrates how to do this, generating some random variables once, and then passing them into a function.

module Main where

import Control.Monad
import Criterion.Main
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Statistics.Sample
import qualified System.Random.MWC as MWC

sampleMeanBench :: String -> [Double] -> Benchmark
sampleMeanBench name xs = bench name $ nf (mean . V.fromList) xs

getRandomList :: Int -> IO [Double]
getRandomList n = do
  gen <- MWC.create
  foo <- replicateM n (MWC.uniform gen)
  return foo

-- Our benchmark harness.
main =
    [ bgroup
        [ sampleMeanBench "small" [1 .. 10]
        , sampleMeanBench "medium" [1 .. 100]
        , sampleMeanBench "large" [1 .. 1000]
    , bgroup
        [ env (getRandomList 10) (\xs -> sampleMeanBench "small" xs)
        , env (getRandomList 100) (\xs -> sampleMeanBench "medium" xs)
        , env (getRandomList 1000) (\xs -> sampleMeanBench "large" xs)

This could be run with the following to get a HTML report as output.

$ stack exec -- criterion-demo --output report.html

Note that in the linear regression results reported, this considers the relationship between the number of evaluations and the time that required.

Documentation with haddock


Markup documentation

  • /italics/
  • __bold__
  • 'hyperlink'
  • @monospace@
  • ![image description](pathtoimage.png)
  • [some link](

Haddock supports LaTeX syntax for rendering mathematical notation. The delimiters are \[...\] for displayed mathematics and \(...\) for in-line mathematics.

-- | This is an enumerated list:
--     (1) first item
--     2. second item
-- This is a bulleted list:
--     * first item
--     * second item


-- | Two examples are given below:
-- >>> fib 10
-- 55
-- >>> putStrLn "foo\nbar"
-- foo
-- bar
f  :: Int      -- ^ The 'Int' argument
   -> Float    -- ^ The 'Float' argument
   -> IO ()    -- ^ The return value


data T a b
  -- | This is the documentation for the 'C1' constructor
  = C1 a b
  -- | This is the documentation for the 'C2' constructor
  | C2 a b


Sometimes hindent will reformat record definitions in a way that does not appear to be compatible with haddock.

data R a b =
  C { -- | This is the documentation for the 'a' field
      a :: a,
      -- | This is the documentation for the 'b' field
      b :: b


Build and open the documentation in the browser. This does not seem to work well from eshell but works fine from a bash shell.

stack haddock
stack haddock --open

But a much quicker way to is to not build the documentation for the dependencies by using the following command instead.

stack haddock --no-haddock-deps --open

Linting hindent

hindent is a pretty printer which can be used to lint Haskell code. Install it with stack install hindent and pay attention to where it installs because you need that on your path. There is an Emacs minor mode, hindent-mode, which exposes the functionality of this program: hindent-reformat-*.

I have the following shortcuts:

  • SPC o h h r owner haskell hindent region
  • SPC o h h b owner haskell hindent buffer

Haskell layer in Spacemacs

To enable the Haskell layer add the following to dotspacemacs-configuration-layers.

(haskell :variables
         haskell-enable-hindent-style "johan-tibell"
         haskell-process-type 'stack-ghci)

If you want to make use of hindent, you'll need to make sure that the executable is on the path Emacs uses: exec-path or eshell-path-env.



The function getArgs from System.Environment in base is how you get command line arguments.

import System.Environment

main = do
  a <- getArgs
  print a
  return ()

The following example demonstrates how you might get some data from a user at the command line at run time rather than data about how the program was called.

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Do you want to continue? [y/n]"
  response <- getChar
  if response == 'n'
        putStrLn "\nmaybe next time :)"
        return ()
      if response /= 'y'
            putStrLn "\n\nI doughnut understand..."
            putStrLn "\nwoohoo!"
            return ()

Testing hspec

Add hspec to your dependencies and observe the following example

import Test.Hspec
import Control.Exception (evaluate)

main :: IO ()
main = hspec $ do
  describe "Prelude.head" $ do
    it "returns the first element of a list" $ do
      head [23 ..] `shouldBe` (23 :: Int)

    it "throws an exception if used with an empty list" $ do
      evaluate (head []) `shouldThrow` anyException

Testing hspec and QuickCheck

You can use QuickCheck in your Hspec tests

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

module Main where

import GHC.Generics
import Generic.Random (genericArbitraryU)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck (Gen(..), forAll, property, choose)

data RickMorty
  = Fleeb
  | Squanch
  | Plumbus
  deriving (Show, Generic, Eq)

main :: IO ()
main =
  hspec $ do
    describe "read" $ do
      it "fooo" $ property $ foo
      it "baar" $ forAll (genericArbitraryU :: Gen RickMorty) bar
      it "baaz" $ forAll (choose (1, 3) :: Gen Int) foo

foo :: Int -> Bool
foo x = x == x

bar :: RickMorty -> Bool
bar x = x == x

The simplest way to use QuickCheck is via the property function which just takes a predicate based on some standard types. If you want to provide your own generator you need to use the forAll function, but once this has happened you are free to use a wider range of generators. In the example above we just sample uniformly from our RickMorty type. This is further demonstrated by the example with choose which will generate integers from \(1\) to \(3\) inclusive as test cases.

Handy IO

Writing a list of values to CSV

The following assumes that the type Foo is an instance of Csv.ToRecord which can often be derived.

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Csv as Csv

L.writeFile "output.csv" (Csv.encode (foos :: [Foo]))

Boring haskell and rio

The documentation for the rio package gives an opinionated view which features of haskell are mature and useful enough to warant inclusion in production code. The rio package itself is intended as a safe and sufficient Prelude replacement. The authors suggest the following lists of language extensions and compiler flags are fine to use if they are helpful.

Language extensions


Note that Alexis King thinks that PatternSynonyms are safe to enable by default.

Compiler flags


and -Werror for production.


Naming conventions

Kowainik has an excellent summary of naming conventions in Haskell.

Pattern Meaning
go recursive helper function
p predicate function argument
xxx' strict version of xxx
xxxF returns in a functor
xxxA returns in a applicative
xxxM returns in a monad
xxxP returns a parser
xxx_ discards result
xxxL or xxxR traverse left/right
xxxBy or xxxOn works with summary value
unXxx, getXxx and runXxx extract data
eliminator eg maybe remove constructor
mkXxx apply constructor
genericXxx polymorphic version
isXxx predicate

Function syntax

-- |wild card
f (_:xs) = xs

-- |as-pattern
f l@(x:xs) = x:l

-- |guards
f x
  | x < 0     = 0
  | x >= 0    = 1
  | otherwise = undefined

-- |case expression
f x = case x of
  pattern1 -> expression1
  pattern2 -> expression2
  _        -> undefined

-- |where clause
f x = g z
    z = epxression

-- |let expression
f x = let z = expression
      in g z

If you have the MultiWayIf extension you can use guard style syntax in a conditional as demonstrated in the following example from the School of Haskell:

{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

fn :: Int -> Int -> String
fn x y = if | x == 1    -> "a"
            | y <  2    -> "b"
            | otherwise -> "c"

-- | should print:
--   @c@
main = putStrLn $ fn 3 4

Records syntax

There is "Record Update Syntax" to construct a new record with some of the fields taking different values.

data Foo = Foo {a :: Int, b :: Char} deriving (Show)

foo1 = Foo 1 'a'
-- Foo {a = 1, b = 'a'}
foo2 = foo1 {b = 'b'}
-- Foo {a = 1, b = 'b'}

The RecordWildcards extension provides some additional sugar for pattern working with records. It makes the fields available in the local scope under the name of their accessors. The same is true for record construction. For example

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

data Person = Person { name :: String , admin :: Bool }

example :: Person
example = Person{..}
    name = "John Doe"
    admin = True

The NamedFieldPuns extensions attempts to make it easier to construct and reference values in a record. With this extension enabled, this

data C = C {a :: Int}
f (C {a = a}) = a

can be written as this

f (C {a}) = a

It is possible to mix the effects of RecordWildCards and NamedFieldPuns, eg C {a = 1, b, ..}.

Types syntax

data Person = Person { personFirstName :: String
                     , personLastName :: String
                     , personAge :: Int
                     } deriving (Show, Eq)

It is considered decent to prefix the attributes with something that is unique to the record type to avoid name clashes.

If you have a wrapper type and want to access the data within but do not want to continually pattern match to get the value out you can use the coerce function from Data.Coerce (which is part of base). This functionality is encoded in the Coercible typeclass.

List comprehensions

List comprehensions are a nice way to combine a map and a filter.

[sqrt x | x <- [1..9], x > 3]

You can use pattern matching to filter in a list comprehension as the following example demonstrates

data Foobar = Foo Int | Bar Char deriving (Show)
x = [Foo 1, Bar 'a', Foo 2, Bar 'b']
y = [n | (Foo n) <- x]

The variable y has the value [1,2].

Variable names

The Haskell 98 Report says

Underscore, "_", is treated as a lower-case letter, and can occur wherever a lower-case letter can. However, "_" all by itself is a reserved identifier, used as wild card in patterns. Compilers that offer warnings for unused identifiers are encouraged to suppress such warnings for identifiers beginning with underscore. This allows programmers to use "_foo" for a parameter that they expect to be unused.

Module names

The Haskell 98 Report says

Module names are alphanumeric and must begin with an uppercase letter.


class Eq a where
    (==) :: a -> a -> Bool
    (/=) :: a -> a -> Bool
    x == y = not (x /= y)
    x /= y = not (x == y)

data Foobar = Foo | Bar

instance Eq Foobar where
    Foo == Foo = True
    Bar == Bar = True
    _ == _ = False

There are cases where a class will have multiple type parameters, e.g. a, b, and c, but one of them may be determined by the others, c is determined by a and b. One way to resolve this is by adding type annotations, but this is unpleasant. Functional dependencies are a way to tell the compiler that c is determined by a and b. The following snippet gives an example of the syntax (a vertical bar, |) used to acheive this

class Foo a b c | a b -> c where ...

let and where

As stated on the Haskell wiki page "Let vs. Where"

It is important to know that let ... in ... is an expression, that is, it can be written wherever expressions are allowed. In contrast, where is bound to a surrounding syntactic construct, like the pattern matching line of a function definition.

Monad transformers with mtl


To avoid explicitly passing environment data around, one can use the ReaderT monad transformer to add read-only environment. The following example shows the reader monad transformer in action.

import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, ask, liftIO, runReaderT)

data Env = Env { envInput :: FilePath }

step1 :: ReaderT Env IO Int
step1 = do
  liftIO $ putStrLn "Greetings from Step 1."
  return 0

step2 :: Int -> ReaderT Env IO ()
step2 n = do
  liftIO $ putStrLn (show n)
  fp <- envInput <$> ask
  line <- liftIO $ readFile fp
  liftIO $ putStr ("Autobots, " ++ line)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  runReaderT (step1 >>= step2) (Env "autobots.txt")

The main function sets up an environment which is passes to Step 1 which puts a value of 0 in the monad. Then in the second function the value is printed and the contents of the file referenced in the environment is printed out, i.e., the file autobots.txt which just contains a single line with "roll out". Running this in the REPL gives the following output.

λ> main
Greetings from Step 1.
Autobots, roll out

ReaderT on ExceptT

The example above using the reader monad transformer can be extended to improve the error handling in the case where the file path in the environment does not exist.

import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, runExceptT, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, asks, liftIO, runReaderT)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)

newtype Env = Env { envInput :: FilePath }

type Robot a = ReaderT Env (ExceptT String IO) a

runRobot :: Robot a -> Env -> IO (Either String a)
runRobot robot env = runExceptT (runReaderT robot env)

step1 :: Robot Int
step1 = do
  liftIO $ putStrLn "Greetings from Step 1."
  return 0

step2 :: Int -> Robot ()
step2 n = do
  liftIO $ print n
  fp <- asks envInput
  exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist fp
  if exists
  then do line <- liftIO $ readFile fp
          liftIO $ putStr ("Autobots, " ++ line)
  else throwError "Could not find file in step 2"

The main function has been remove but there is not much added code here. Running the runRobot function in the REPL we get the following results which demonstrate how the failure path evaluates.

λ> runRobot (step1 >>= step2) (Env "autobots.txt")
Greetings from Step 1.
Autobots, roll out
Right ()
λ> runRobot (step1 >>= step2) (Env "autobats.txt")
Greetings from Step 1.
Left "Could not find file in step 2"

Data structures and types

Int and Word

The package Data.Int provides signed integers and Data.Word provides unsigned integers. The latter may be useful to encode that the number has to be positive at the type level.


Strings are just lists of characters which can lead to poor preformance, which is why people warn that String should be avoided if you are doing anything serious with text. Still, for the cases where performance isn't going to be a problem strings are simple to work with. The printf function in base provides string interpolation.

import Text.Printf (printf)

a = printf "foo %d" 1 :: IO ()
b = printf "bar %d" 2 :: String

The variable a stores and action which prints "foo 1" and b is a string: "bar 2".


A semigroup is a set with an associative binary operation. In base this type class, Data.Semigroup, requires a function <>, and instances of this function must be associative.


A monoid is a semigroup which has an identity element. In base this type class, Data.Monoid, requires the function <>, as in semigroup, and mempty for the identity element. The mempty must be both a left and right identity.

  • Data.List.NonEmpty (in base) for non-empty lists to avoid run time errors due to bad calls to head or tail.
  • containers has several efficient data structures that can be used as an alternative to lists.
    • Data.Map for look-up tables
    • Data.Sequence if you finite lists you can access from both ends
    • Data.Set for sets of elements in Eq and Ord
  • vector has vectors.


A data structure that reduced to a single summary value: foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b. For example, you might add up all the values on a tree where each node has a value. When the data form a monoid foldMap can be implemented instead which just uses the monoid's addition.


Like a more powerful functor: traverse :: Applicative f => (a -> f b) -> t a -> f (t b)

ST monad


import Control.Monad (replicateM_,liftM)
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Data.STRef

foo :: String
foo = runST $ do
  ref <- newSTRef "hello "
  x <- readSTRef ref
  writeSTRef ref (x ++ "world")
  readSTRef ref

Another example

Next time you have tricky fold, the following might be useful. Note that we use the modifySTRef' with the apostrophe, which is the strick version of the function to avoid the build up of thunks which might otherwise be a problem.

import Control.Monad (replicateM_,liftM)
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Data.STRef

fib :: Int -> Int
fib n = runST $ do
  ref <- newSTRef (0,1)
  replicateM_ n $ modifySTRef' ref (\(a,b) -> (b,a+b))
  liftM snd $ readSTRef ref

Moreover, this appears to be faster than the following non-tail recursive implementation

fib2 :: Int -> Int
fib2 n
  | n < 2 = 1
  | otherwise = fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)

Another example again

import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.STRef
import Data.Foldable

sumST :: Num a => [a] -> a
sumST xs = runST $ do
    n <- newSTRef 0
    for_ xs $ \x ->
        modifySTRef n (+x)
    readSTRef n

Either monad


The source for the either monad in Haskell is here. Importantly, the instance of monad is

instance Monad (Either e) where
    Left  l >>= _ = Left l
    Right r >>= k = k r

Note that the left branch will short-circuit which is particularly useful! See this post by Gabriel Gonzalez for a worked example.

Missing MonadFail instance

Described here

instance MonadFail (Either String) where
  fail = Left

This sort of thing was ultimately rejected to preserve a neutral interpretation of how the Either monad would should work.

JSON with Aeson

For additional notes on JSON see my json notes.

aeson is the package for working with JSON. The important functions provided are encode and decode and the typeclasses ToJson and FromJson which ensure a type can be encoded and decoded. They can be derived automatically along with Generic, although this requires the DeriveGeneric extension to be include. The OverloadedStrings is also very useful to include. In addition to loading import Data.Aeson as JSON you need to import GHC.Generics. This stuff tends to work with lazy bytestrings, so there may be a little bit of messing around to get that working but it is not too bad. The following are very useful signatures to keep handy.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}

import Data.Aeson

decode :: FromJSON a => ByteString -> Maybe a
encode :: ToJSON a => a -> ByteString
encodeFile :: ToJSON a => FilePath -> a -> IO ()

Alternatively, you can use the ByteString type from the bytestring package to write things to disk.

import Data.ByteString.Lazy

writeFile :: FilePath -> ByteString -> IO ()
readFile :: FilePath -> IO ByteString

Note that when decoding an object from a JSON file, the order of the key-value pairs in the JSON does not matter, nor does the existance of additional fields provided the important ones can be parsed correctly.

There is a useful cheatsheet on parsing JSON from William Yao which may be worth looking at.

Pretty printing JSON

There is the aeson-pretty package to pretty print JSON values. The following function might be useful as a quick toggle between the methods.

import qualified Data.Aeson                         as Json
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty           as Pretty

-- | Write the object to file as JSON with optional pretty printing.
encode2File :: Json.ToJSON a => Bool -> FilePath -> a -> IO ()
encode2File isPretty fp = L.writeFile fp . (if isPretty then Pretty.encodePretty else Json.encode)

GHC extensions


Allows you to use string literals to mean other string-ey type things. For instance, this would be useful when working with Text.


This allows you to make use of Unicode characters in your code which is particularly nice if you are going a verbatim translation of some mathematics. Emacs provides a nice way to make it easy to input Unicode.

Although this does not appear in the Boring Haskell recommendations, I suspect it has sufficient utility in scientific programming to warrant an exception.


This desugars list syntax to make it easier to use list syntax to construct things.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}

foo = [(1,2),(2,3)] :: Map Int Int

This will only work with the OverloadedLists extension.

View Patterns

The following example from Kowainik demonstrates nicely

mkUser :: Text -> Text -> User
mkUser (Text.toLower -> nickname) (Text.toLower -> name) = User
    { userNickname = nickname
    , userName = name

GHC extensions: DeriveX

  • DeriveFunctor
  • DeriveFoldable
  • DeriveTraversable
  • GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving to make better use of newtype.

Packages I like

ad: combinators for automatic differentiation

aeson: a JSON parsing and encoding library

cassava: parsing and encoding RFC 4180 compliant CSV data

One example of using cassava is to make the Chain type from mcmc-types an instance of ToRecord which makes it easier to write MCMC samples to a CSV. The following snippet demonstrates how you might do this with an orphan-instance.

import Data.Csv
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Vector as V

instance (ToRecord a, ToRecord b) => ToRecord (Chain a b) where
  toRecord Chain {..} =
      [ (record [toField chainScore])
      , (toRecord chainPosition)
      , fromMaybe V.empty (toRecord <$> chainTunables)

math-functions: various utilities for numerical computing

moo: provides building blocks to build genetic algorithms

monad-par which makes use of combinators in monad-par-extras

Without knowing anything about how this works internally, the following functions should be sufficient for running a map type computation in parallel.

import Control.Monad.Par (runPar)
import Control.Monad.Par.Combinator (parMap)

data Par a

runPar :: Par a -> a
parMap :: Traversable t => (a -> b) -> t a -> p (t b)

statistics: common functions and types useful in statistics

Scary and terrifying functions!!!


  • Data.List.sum and Data.List.product use foldl instead of foldl' so can have poor performance.
  • Lots of the functions in Data.List are partial: head, init, last, tail and (!!) for example.


fromJust, always use ~fromMaybe
a -> Maybe a -> a~ instead.

Parallel execution

There is GHC.Conc.numCapabilities to see how many cores are available to the runtime.

Evaluation with seq

There is a section on seq in Chapter 4 of Real World Haskell. In particular, the following snippet from that chapter provides insight.

 -- file: ch04/Fold.hs
-- incorrect: seq is hidden by the application of someFunc
-- since someFunc will be evaluated first, seq may occur too late
hiddenInside x y = someFunc (x `seq` y)

-- incorrect: a variation of the above mistake
hiddenByLet x y z = let a = x `seq` someFunc y
                    in anotherFunc a z

-- correct: seq will be evaluated first, forcing evaluation of x
onTheOutside x y = x `seq` someFunc y

Keep in mind that seq only evaluates up to the first constructor, and that there is an additional cost with forcing evaulation since the runtime needs to do a look up to determine if it has already been evaluated. Depending on what is being evaluated this can even introduce a space leak.


The very simple example given here demonstrates how to run code in parallel using only the parallel library (which is maintained by so can be relied upon).

executable party
  hs-source-dirs:   src
  main-is:          Main.hs
  default-language: Haskell2010
  ghc-options:      -threaded -O2
      base               >=4.7      && <5
    , mwc-random
    , parallel
    , primitive          >=
    , vector             >=

And the following Main.hs

module Main where

import Control.Monad.Primitive (PrimMonad, PrimState)
import Control.Monad.ST (runST)
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (singleton)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import System.Random.MWC (asGenST, initialize)
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import System.Environment (getArgs)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "Hello"
  (inParallel:maxN:[]) <- getArgs
  let maxNInteger = read maxN :: Int
      ns = replicate maxNInteger 30
  print $ "running up to " ++ maxN
  if inParallel == "true"
    then let results = (fib <$> ns `using` parListChunk 4 rdeepseq) :: [Integer]
         in do print "running parallel"; print $ sum results
    else let results = (fib <$> ns) :: [Integer]
         in do print "running serial"; print $ sum results
  putStrLn "Goodbye"

fib :: Integer -> Integer
fib n
  | n < 2 = 1
  | otherwise = fib (n -1) + fib(n-2)

The following script is used to test out the performance of this code.

time stack exec party false 100 --rts-options -N1
time stack exec party false 100 --rts-options -N2
time stack exec party false 100 --rts-options -N4

time stack exec party true 100 --rts-options -N1
time stack exec party true 100 --rts-options -N2
time stack exec party true 100 --rts-options -N4

the results of this confirm that increasing the number of processors allowed to be used reduces the run time but there is a limit to how useful this will be.

Number of threads Serial Parallel
1 4.33 4.32
2 4.32 2.36
4 4.41 2.23


Development shell

  • There is a nix-shell to assist in testing your package in a reproducible environment described in my nix note. This provides a couple of utilities for building your package.

Notes about uploading a package to hackage

  • Once a package is uploaded, it is there forever so make sure it is correct, that is why there is the package candidate system.
  • The utility cabal gen-bounds makes it easy to generate suitable bounds on dependency versions. To keep the version bounds DRY you only need to specify them on their first occurrence in the cabal file. This will only work with an up to date version of cabal.
  • There is the cabal-fmt package which you can use to format your cabal file, eg cabal-fmt --inplace demo.cabal.
  • There is a cabal sdist utility to zip up a package prior to submission.
  • When a package is updated the package versioning policy should be used to update the package version. There is a useful decision tree to help you apply this policy. A version must be of the form A.B.C with an optional suffix of .D.
  • The command stack sdist will check the package for common mistakes and produce a tarball ready for uploading. When a package is uploaded, it may take a while for the documentation to be build and uploaded.
  • To use the uploaded package before it has made it onto stackage you can copy the link for the tarball into extra-deps in the stack YAML file.
  • Don't forget to stack haddock --no-haddock-deps first to make sure that the documentation will build. Also, don't be surprised if the documentation does not appear online immediately, this can take a while.
  • There is a link to upload packages on the hackage page, you can use stack upload .. Either way, you will need your hackage username and password.

Extracting example code

If you have examples in a source file using the >>> notation you can extract it with the following one liner.

$ cat <path/to/hs> | grep "^-- >>>"

Type theory and functional programming

Haskell for science

I have some notes on numerics that might be useful.


Use moo for a rough estimate.

Root finding

Use statistics for finding roots if you know a bounding interval, with or without derivatives, both Ridders and Newton have good convergence.

Differential equations


\[ \frac{dx}{dt} = \alpha x(t), \quad x(0) = x_0 \]

This example needs hmatrix and hmatrix-gsl.

import Numeric.GSL.ODE
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra.Data

alpha = 0.1

xdash _ [x] = [x * alpha]

x0 = 1.0

ts = linspace 100 (0,3)

numericSol = odeSolve xdash [x0] ts

exactSol = asColumn $ x0' * exp (alpha' * ts)
    x0' = scalar x0
    alpha' = scalar alpha

main :: IO ()
main =
  if maxElement (numericSol - exactSol) < 1e-10
    then putStrLn "They are equal!"
    else putStrLn "Huge error :("

Random number simulation

import System.Random.MWC

foobar :: IO (Double,Double)
foobar = do
  gen <- create
  x1 <- uniform gen
  x2 <- uniform gen
  return (x1,x2)

This returns a pair of different numbers because it is working in an instance of PrimMonad and managing the state between uses of gen. Multiple calls to this function always return the same values because the create function starts with a hardcoded seed in the library.


To learn about how Haskell handles numbers — although we only really care about Integer and Double — there is the report and a gentle introduction available. The numeric-limits package provides some helpful functions for working with this too.


  • Natural for the natural numbers
  • Word is unsigned integers of with a finite range
  • Integer for arbitrary integers
    • not to be confused with the Integral typeclass
  • Int for a finite range of integers
  • Float for single precision floating point numbers
    • You should opt for Double whenever possible
  • Double for double precision floating point numbers

Also the table here provides a description of how to map between the different numeric types.


This graph shows the hierarchy of numeric typeclasses


The most important one here is the Num typeclass which ensures you have basic arithmetic. Ord is also important but is a bit more general.

Special functions

The math-functions package provides the Numeric.SpecFunctions module which provides lots of useful functions: choose and logChoose for working with binomial coefficients.


There are bindings to gnuplot provided by the gnuplot package. The documentation is a little bit patchy, but there is a decent list of examples. The easiest way is to copy the demo script and to modify the code in it to generate the plot you want. With this package you can render plots in a new window or write the results to file.


module Main where

import           Data.Function                         ((&))
import           GHC.IO.Exception                      (ExitCode)
import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Advanced             as GP
import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Frame                as Frame
import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Frame.OptionSet      as Opts
import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Graph.TwoDimensional as Graph2D
import           Graphics.Gnuplot.Plot.TwoDimensional  (linearScale)
import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Plot.TwoDimensional  as Plot2D
import qualified Graphics.Gnuplot.Terminal.PNG         as PNG

main :: IO ()
main = do demo Nothing
          return ()

demo :: Maybe FilePath -> IO ExitCode
demo maybeFilePath =
  case maybeFilePath of
    Just fp -> GP.plot (PNG.cons fp) foo
    Nothing -> GP.plotDefault foo
    foo :: Frame.T (Graph2D.T Double Double)
    foo = Frame.cons plotOptions $ layer1 <> layer2
    plotOptions = Opts.deflt &
      Opts.title "hello" &
      Opts.key False
    layer1 = Plot2D.function
      (linearScale 200 (-10,10))
      (\x -> x * cos x / (1 + x^ 2) )
    layer2Data = zip [-10..] (take 21 (concat (repeat [-1,0,1])))
    layer2 = Plot2D.list
      Graph2D.points $ layer2Data

Mutable arrays

Sometimes it is much more efficient to use a mutable array. Here is an example of how to do this in the ST monad.

import           Control.Monad      (forM_)
import           Data.Array.MArray  (newArray, writeArray)
import           Data.Array.ST      (runSTUArray)
import           Data.Array.Unboxed (assocs)
import           Data.STRef         (newSTRef, readSTRef, writeSTRef)

foo :: [(Char, Int)]
foo = assocs $ runSTUArray $ do
  index <- newSTRef 'a'
  ar <- newArray ('a', 'z') 0
  forM_ [1..26] $ \n ->
    do ix <- readSTRef index
       writeArray ar ix n
       writeSTRef index (succ ix)
  return ar

Note that in this example we have used an STUArray. There is also the STArray which admits a wider range of types for the elements of the array, however the STUArray is meant to have better performance. Don't forget to check the provided instances of MArray to make sure that both your index and element types have the necessary instances.

Author: Alexander E. Zarebski

Created: 2022-07-25 Mon 22:08
