

Table of Contents

Numerics notes


IEEE-754 compliant double precision numbers have a precision of about 16 decimal places.

Examples from R

Expand the number of digits printed with options(digits = 20)

> (1e10 + 1e-7) == 1e10
[1] TRUE
> (1e10 + 1e-6) == 1e10

You can see the limits of representing integers with doubles

> 1612850010110005250
[1] 1612850010110005248

The following code never finishes if i is a double.

> i <- 10; while(i != 0) {i <- i - 0.01}

Numeric differentiation

The following functions use a five-point stencil to compute first and second derivatives and have an error of order \(h^4\)

firstDerivative :: Floating a => a -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
firstDerivative h f x =
  (-f (x + 2 * h) + 8 * f (x + h) - 8 * f (x - h) + f (x - 2 * h)) / (12 * h)

secondDerivative :: Floating a => a -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
secondDerivative h f x =
  (-f (x + 2 * h) + 16 * f (x + h) - 30 * f x + 16 * f (x - h) - f (x - 2 * h)) / (12 * h ** 2)


The firstDerivative function above can then be used to numerically evaluate the gradient

-- | The gradient vector computed using 'firstDerivative'.
gradient :: Floating a => a -> ([a] -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
gradient h f x =
  let n = length x
      es = [replicate (i-1) 0 ++ [1] ++ replicate (n-i) 0 | i <- [1..n]]
      g e d = f [xi + d * ei | (xi,ei) <- zip x e]
  in [firstDerivative h (g e) 0.0 | e <- es]

Mathematical optimisation


The Nelder-Mead algorithm is a gradient free method which is a simple way to get a rough estimate. The rule of thumb for the number of iterations to use for this algorithm should be roughly 20–200 times the dimension of the search space.

Golden section

The golden section algorithm is a gradient free method which can be used to obtain an estimate up to a precision of about \(\sqrt{\epsilon}\) where \(\epsilon\) is machine precision. To initialise it, three points are needed, \(a,b,c\) such that \(a < b < c\) and \(f(a) > f(b) < f(c)\). The name comes from the fact that one of the parameters of the algorithm is the golden ratio.

data Golden = Golden { gPoint      :: Double
                     , gValue      :: Double
                     , gDerivative :: Double } deriving (Show)

-- | Bracket the minimum
-- >>> bracket (\x -> x * (x - 1)) 0 0.1
bracket :: (Double -> Double)
        -> Double
        -> Double
        -> Either String (Double,Double,Double)
bracket f a b =
  let g = 1.618034
      c = b + g * (b - a)
      (fa, fb, fc) = (f a, f b, f c)
      in if | a > b     -> bracket f b a
            | fa < fb   -> Left "initial points given to bracket do not go downhill"
            | fb < fc   -> Right (a,b,c)
            | otherwise -> bracket f b c

-- | Golden section search.
-- >>> golden (\x -> x * (x - 1)) (0.26,0.52,0.94)
golden :: (Double -> Double)
       -> (Double,Double,Double)
       -> Either String Golden
golden f (a,b,c) =
    r = 0.61803399
    tol = 3.0e-8
    (fa,fb,fc) = (f a,f b,f c)
    (x0,x3) = (a,c)
    (x1,x2) = if abs (c-b) > abs (b-a)
              then (b,r*b+(1-r)*c)
              else ((1-r)*a+r*b,b)
    (xmin,fmin) = gwl r tol f (x0,x1,x2,x3) (f x1,f x2)
    fder = firstDerivative tol f xmin
  in if a < b && b < c && fa > fb && fb < fc
     then Right $ Golden xmin fmin fder
     else Left "invalid triple given to golden"

-- | Golden while loop
gwl :: Double
    -> Double
    -> (Double -> Double)
    -> (Double,Double,Double,Double)
    -> (Double,Double)
    -> (Double,Double)
gwl r tol f (x0,x1,x2,x3) (f1,f2) =
  if abs (x3 - x0) > tol * (abs x1 + abs x2)
  then if f2 < f1
       then let x' = r*x2+(1-r)*x3
            in gwl r tol f (x1,x2,x',x3) (f2,f x')
       else let x' = r*x1+(1-r)*x0
            in gwl r tol f (x0,x',x1,x2) (f2,f x')
  else if f1 < f2
       then (x1,f1)
       else (x2,f2)

LogSumExp function

Consider the LogSumExp (LSE) function

\[ \text{LSE}(x_1,\dots,x_n) = \log\left(\sum_i e^{x_i}\right). \]

Let \(x^* = \max\{x_i\}\) and this can equally be expressed as

\[ x^* + \log\left(\sum_i e^{x_i - x^*}\right) \]

which only takes the exponents of numbers closer to zero and hence can will not overflow or underflow as easily.

logSumExp :: (Floating a, Ord a) => [a] -> a
logSumExp xs = x' + log (sum [exp (x - x') | x <- xs])
               where x' = maximum xs

Combinatoric functions

The following is taken from the math-functions haskell package which demonstrates some useful implementations of functions for working with binomial coefficients.

-- Combinatorics

-- |
-- Quickly compute the natural logarithm of /n/ @`choose`@ /k/, with
-- no checking.
-- Less numerically stable:
-- > exp $ lg (n+1) - lg (k+1) - lg (n-k+1)
-- >   where lg = logGamma . fromIntegral
logChooseFast :: Double -> Double -> Double
logChooseFast n k = -log (n + 1) - logBeta (n - k + 1) (k + 1)

-- | Calculate binomial coefficient using exact formula
chooseExact :: Int -> Int -> Double
n `chooseExact` k
  = U.foldl' go 1 $ U.enumFromTo 1 k
    go a i      = a * (nk + j) / j
        where j = fromIntegral i :: Double
    nk = fromIntegral (n - k)

-- | Compute logarithm of the binomial coefficient.
logChoose :: Int -> Int -> Double
n `logChoose` k
    | k  > n    = (-1) / 0
      -- For very large N exact algorithm overflows double so we
      -- switch to beta-function based one
    | k' < 50 && (n < 20000000) = log $ chooseExact n k'
    | otherwise                 = logChooseFast (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral k)
    k' = min k (n-k)

-- | Compute the binomial coefficient /n/ @\``choose`\`@ /k/. For
-- values of /k/ > 50, this uses an approximation for performance
-- reasons.  The approximation is accurate to 12 decimal places in the
-- worst case
-- Example:
-- > 7 `choose` 3 == 35
choose :: Int -> Int -> Double
n `choose` k
    | k  > n         = 0
    | k' < 50        = chooseExact n k'
    | approx < max64 = fromIntegral . round64 $ approx
    | otherwise      = approx
    k'             = min k (n-k)
    approx         = exp $ logChooseFast (fromIntegral n) (fromIntegral k')
    max64          = fromIntegral (maxBound :: Int64)
    round64 x      = round x :: Int64


The factorial function has the following definition for positive integers

\[ n! = n \cdot (n-1) \cdot (n-2) \cdot \dots \cdot 2 \cdot 1 \]

It is related to the gamma function by \(x! = \Gamma ( x + 1)\). So you only need a safe implementation of the gamma function to work with factorials.

Pochhammer symbol

For a positive integer, \(n\), the Pochhammer function, rising factorial, is given by

\[ x^{(n)} = x \cdot (x+1) \cdot \dots \cdot (x+n-1) = \prod_{i=0}^{n-1} (x+i) \]

with \(x^{(0)} = 1\). It is related to the factorial function and gamma function

\[ x^{(n)} = \frac{(x + n - 1)!}{(x-1)!} = \frac{\Gamma(x+n)}{\Gamma(x)} \]

You need a reliable implementation of the gamma function to work with the Pochhammer function.

Computational complexity

Suppose you have a program that depends on a parameter n and takes t seconds to evaluate. The following snippet can be used as a starting point for estimating how long it will take to run on a larger input.

df <- data.frame(t = c(38,106,255,847), n = c(180,190,200,210))

ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x = n, y = t / 60)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_y_log10(n.breaks = 10) +
  geom_smooth(method = "lm", fullrange = TRUE) +
  xlim(c(170, 220))

Of course, this assumes an exponential complexity, but is easy to tweak for polynomial complexity.


Here is a table that might help you decide is something runs fast enough.

Seconds Convenient
\(10^{0}\) \(<1\) minute
\(10^{1}\) \(<1\) minute
\(10^{2}\) \(\approx 2\) minute
\(10^{3}\) \(\approx 20\) minutes
\(10^{4}\) \(\approx 3\) hours
\(10^{5}\) \(\approx 1\) day
\(10^{6}\) \(\approx 10\) days

Caching results

Consider the following Java programs. The first one computes the logarithms each time they are used.

public class AAA {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double size = 100000;
        double answer = 1051287.7089736538;
        int repeats = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        for (int m = 0; m < repeats; m++) {
            double x = 0;
            for (double n = 1.0; n < size; n+=1.0) {
                x += Math.log(n);
            if (x != answer) {
                throw new RuntimeException("incorrect value");

The second saves the results in an array and re-uses them.

public class BBB {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int size = 100000;
        double answer = 1051287.7089736538;
        int repeats = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
        double[] ls;
        ls = new double[size+1];
        for (int ix = 0; ix <= size; ix++) {
            ls[ix] = Math.log(ix);

        for (int m = 0; m < repeats; m++) {
            double x = 0;
            for (int n = 1; n < size; n++) {
                x += ls[n];
            if (x != answer) {
                throw new RuntimeException("incorrect value");

Running this program with varying number of repeats and timing the evaluation produces the dataset shown in Listing 1 which is also shown in Figure 1. This shows that for even reasonably small problems it is useful to cache results.



Author: Alexander E. Zarebski

Created: 2023-01-16 Mon 16:03
