

Table of Contents


Miter joins

This is what you want to search when you are annoyed by line segments not meeting up cleanly when you have thicker lines.

File formats

Abbreviation Full name Vector/Raster
EPS Encapsulated PostScript Vector
PDF Portable Document Format Vector
SVG Scalable Vector Graphics Vector
TIFF Tag Image File Format Raster

inkscape and convert are two command line tools for converting between vector and raster formats respectively.

Paper sizes

Paper Width Height
A4 210mm 297mm
A5 148mm 210mm
A6 105mm 148mm
A7 74mm 105mm


Colour blindness

For R users who want a drop-in solution for avoiding issues with limited colour perception there is colorBlindness, a package which automates the palette selection process.

Simple R colours

Here is a little snippet of R code that makes it easier to choose some basic colours.

## Define some hex codes to use as a colour scheme. These
## are from the ColorBrewer2 project:
## \code{}
my_colours <- list(
  truth = list(dark = "#d73027", light = "#fee090"),
  estimate = list(dark = "#4575b4", light = "#e0f3f8"),
  other = list(
    grey = list(
      light = "#e0e0e0",
      medium = "#999999",
      dark = "#4d4d4d"

Curated palettes


WEBSITE of Ethan Schoonover the creator

Table 1: Solarized HEX codes
Colour RGB
base03 #002b36
base02 #073642
base01 #586e75
base00 #657b83
base0 #839496
base1 #93a1a1
base2 #eee8d5
base3 #fdf6e3
yellow #b58900
orange #cb4b16
red #dc322f
magenta #d33682
violet #6c71c4
blue #268bd2
cyan #2aa198
green #859900

Here is a snippet to add to your CSS if you want to use it.

:root {
    --base03: #002b36;
    --base02: #073642;
    --base01: #586e75;
    --base00: #657b83;
    --base0: #839496;
    --base1: #93a1a1;
    --base2: #eee8d5;
    --base3: #fdf6e3;
    --yellow: #b58900;
    --orange: #cb4b16;
    --red: #dc322f;
    --magenta: #d33682;
    --violet: #6c71c4;
    --blue: #268bd2;
    --cyan: #2aa198;
    --green: #859900;

Or if you want to use it in LaTeX



Converting between representations

I have a colour converter page for moving between representations.


Author: Alexander E. Zarebski

Created: 2024-02-08 Thu 11:26
