

Table of Contents




Example 1

Maxima uses Gnuplot for plotting; n.b. the use of $ to show the plot!

plot2d(sin(x), [x,0,2%pi])$


Example 2

There is an example of how to save a figure in Problem 5.

plot2d([discrete, [1,2,3,4], [2,-3,4,-5]], [style, points])$


Programming in Maxima


  • "Most things in Maxima are expressions."
  • A comma expression is a sequence of expressions which evaluates to the value of the last one. The syntax is (<exp_1>, <exp_2>, ..., <exp_n>).
  • "By default, function names are verbs." I do not understand the significance of nouns and verbs in Maxima.
  • There is an automatic simplifier, but you can guide it with functions such as tellsimp.


The block allows you to have local variables, similar to a let or where in Haskell. The first argument should be a list of the variable names that will be local to this expression. The following demonstrates the usage:

: [3, true]
: false

Org-mode as a notebook environment

NOTE: As of 2022 I prefer wxMaxima as a notebook style front-end for Maxima.

This tutorial shows how you can set up org-mode to work as a Maxima notebook.

Each cell of the notebook should have the following header #+header: :exports both so that org-mode knows to display the output and then the source block should also have the language specified as maxima and :results output included as well. To actually evaluate a source block use either org-babel-execute-src-block or org-babel-execute-maybe. The latter is just a convenience wrapper around the former. In spacemacs this is bound to SPC m b e.

Getting help

There is a the example function which can be used to get examples of the usage of a function. There is the ? <function>; to get the documentation for a function.

Removing existing definitions



y : 10;
f(x) := x + 1;

Program flow

if cond_1 then expr_1 elseif cond_2 then expr_2 else expr_3;

There are several ways to express for loops.

for variable: initial_value step increment thru limit do body

for variable: initial_value step increment while condition do body

for variable: initial_value step increment unless condition do body

for variable in list do body


Function Use Example
makelist Map and sequence style list creation  
some and every Fold predicate over list  
cons cons  
first First element of a list  
rest Works as head or tail  
append Concatenation (not join)  
map Map function over list; also see makelist map(lambda([x], x+1), [1,2,3]);
apply Uncurried application  


To force the evaluation of an expression before binding it to the value of a function use the define function.

define(fdash(x), diff(f(x), x));





produces the following output

:      a
: (x y)

:  x a
: (-)
:  y

:  a  a  a
: x  y  z

:        a
: (x y z)

Note the difference between the (%o6) and (%o7) which seems to mean that the tree AST is not a binary tree.


Use the load command to load packages. For example


to get some useful functions for working with distributions. The f90 package exports the function f90 which will convert an expression into valid Fortran90 which has syntax very close to most of the mainstream languages.


You can use %o<n> to refer to the output named n.


To save sessions there is the stringout function which can take as a mode one of several options: all, input for a verbatim copy of the session, and values and functions for the existing values and functions. To read a file there is batch and batchload, the latter being a silent version of batch.

Quick reference for mathematics


Function Use Example
solve Solve an algebraic equation  
eliminate Eliminate variable from equations  
partfrac Partial fraction  
factor Factorise  
ratsimp Simplify a rational function  
is and equal Check equality of expressions is(equal(2,1+1));
rhs Get the RHS of an expression is(equal(rhs(a = b), b));
subst Substitution (read docs) is(equal(subst(a, b, b + c), a + c));

Differential equations

Function Use Example
diff Differentiate  
integrate Integrate  
ode2 Solve a first or second order ODE here
ic1 and ic2 Solve to match initial conditions  
desolve Solve a linear ODE system  
atvalue Solve to match a boundary condition  

Matrices and linear algebra

Function Use Example
matrix Define a matrix (row-wise) matrix([a,b],[c,d]);
matrixexp Evaluate a matrix exponential  


Function Use Example
taylor Taylor series taylor (exp(x), x, 0, 3);
simplify_sum Series summation simplify_sum(sum(1 / x ^ 2, x, 1, inf));

The simplify_sum package provides the simplify_sum function. This package was used in Problem 4.


The exponentialize function converts circular and hyperbolic functions into expressions consisting of exponentials.


Change of coordinates

Suppose you are doing an integral and you want to change from Cartesian to polar coordinates. What was for Jacobian in this case again? The following demonstrates how to compute it with Maxima.

Cartesian to polar

[x,y] : [r * cos(p), r * sin(p)];
trigsimp(determinant(jacobian([x,y], [r,p])));

Cartesian to spherical

[x,y,z] : [r * sin(p) * cos(t), r * sin(p) * sin(t), r * cos(p)];
trigsimp(determinant(jacobian([x,y,z], [r,p,t])));
    sin(p) r

Differential equations: simple

Note that we have used the quote on the call to diff to prevent this being evaluated as we are defining the ODE here.

eq : 'diff(y,x) = -y;

ode2(eq, y, x);

sol : ic1(%, x = 1, y = 8);

plot2d(rhs (sol), [x, 0,4], [y, 0, 10]);


This snippet demonstrates some ways to get different expressions for the same quantity. Note how the numerator and denominator can be separated to have different simplification steps applied as in the definition of d.

a : (x* exp(-aa) + y + y * exp(-aa))/ (y*exp(-aa) + x);
b : ratsimp(a);
c : collectterms(expand(num(b)), exp(aa)) / denom(b);
d : block(
  [ea: exp(-aa)],
  collectterms(expand(ea * num(b)), ea) / expand(ea * denom(b))
display(a, b, c, d);
      - aa           - aa
    %e     y + y + %e     x
a = -----------------------
           - aa
         %e     y + x
       (%e   + 1) y + x
   b = ----------------
          y + %e   x
        %e   y + y + x
    c = --------------
          y + %e   x
        - aa
      %e     (y + x) + y
  d = ------------------
           - aa
         %e     y + x

Front-ends for Maxima


  • Use ctrl k to trigger the auto-complete function.
  • To change the pre-amble used during the LaTeX export use Edit > Configure > Export and fill in the desired commands there.
  • ctrl 0 starts a new math cell, but ctrl n for n as 1, 2, 3, … provides a bunch of helpful text based cells.
  • When I compiled wxMaxima 21.11.0 from source it suddenly wanted to use Portuguese as the language. Far too much searching revealed that the way to solve this is to open .wxMaxima (the configuration file) and change language=153 to language=59 (British English).
  • Another problem I hit was wxMaxima not being able to locate the Maxima documentation. The solution was to add the following line to .wxMaxima, unfortunately upon exiting, this seems to loose that configuration, I'm not sure how to correct this.



Add the following to your configuration.

(add-to-list 'load-path "<path/to/emacs/maxima/")
(autoload 'maxima-mode "maxima" "Maxima mode" t)
(autoload 'imaxima "imaxima" "Frontend for maxima with Image support" t)
(autoload 'maxima "maxima" "Maxima interaction" t)
(autoload 'imath-mode "imath" "Imath mode for math formula input" t)
(setq imaxima-use-maxima-mode-flag t)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ma[cx]" . maxima-mode))

Start a Maxima session with M-x imaxima. To send a buffer to the REPL use C-c C-b. To send a region C-c C-r or just a single line C-c C-c. To get the potential completions for a variable name M-TAB.


There is a spacemacs layer for maxima and I have a fork too. The instructions above are not necessary if you are using this layer with spacemacs.

REPL display configuration

The output of Maxima can be displayed in three ways: single line of ascii, multiple lines of ascii or rendered with imaxima. The output type is determined by the value of the display2d variable (in Maxima) which can be false, true, or imaxima.

display2d: true;

If you want to change the font size for the latex output, modify the (customisable) variable imaxima-fnt-size.

If you want to change the number of significant figures to which floating point numbers are displayed there is the variable fpprintprec (floating point print precision?). The default value is 0, for larger integers it is that number of digits.

Author: Alexander E. Zarebski

Created: 2022-07-25 Mon 22:08
