

Table of Contents



  • Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for vector graphics in 2D which may be interactive or include animation.
  • SVG images can live in their own file or be embedded in HTML.
  • There are graphics elements which form our basic objects, they are styled with presentational attributes.
    • The presentational attributes include:
      • stroke and stroke-width, stroke-opacity etc,
      • fill and fill-opacity,
      • font and its friends.
      • Colours can be specified in all the standard ways.
  • Structural elements are ways to group together related graphics elements.
  • There are transformation to alter the properties of an element.
  • SVG is aware of user events and has event handlers to respond to them.
  • Basic shapes:
    • <rect> has x and y and a width and height,
    • <circle> has a cx and cy to define the centre and a r for the radius,
    • <line> has x1 and y1, and x2 and y2.
  • There is a turtle-like graphics DSL which can be used with the path to draw more complex shapes.
  • There is the <text> elements to include text.
  • You can use CSS to style the elements of an SVG.



Minimal example

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="UTF-8">


External CSS

To apply CSS from a file add a link in the head to that file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="mystyle.css">

Internal CSS

To have inline CSS include the following element in the <head>.

body {
  background-color: linen;

h1 {
  color: maroon;
  margin-left: 40px;


Tag Use
<strong> bold text
<p> paragraph
<img src=""> image
<a href=""></a> link


  • You can ask the browser to open a link in a new tab by adding target="_blank" to an a tag. There used to be a security risk in doing this, but it seems to have been resolved in the big-name browsers.

CSS Notes



The basic ways to select are with:

  • type,
  • #id,
  • .class,
  • and :pseudo-class (for example :hover)

These can be combined to refine the selection, for example p.nav or a:visited. A comma separated list will select all the things that match at least one selector in the list. White space between selectros is used to select children, for example p b will select all bold descendents of a paragraph element.

Further reading

Grid vs Flexbox

Use Flexbox if you only have a one-dimensional layout, otherwise use Grid.


Here is a very simple example of how CSS works with HTML. First we need some HTML

<fleeb class="squanch"></fleeb>
<plumbus id="hizzard"></plumbus>

then some CSS to style it:

fleeb.squanch {

    key: value;


#hizzard {

    key: value;


The fleeb tag uses the tag.class way to select an element to apply a style to while the plumbus tag goes for a unique identifier. These identifiers can also be used to hyperlink to specific parts of a page with a tags.

CSS for this website!

For the most part I have attempted to keep this website looking the same as my emacs setup. As with all aspects of this website, it is a work in progress.


You can use a .jsbeautifyrc file to configure the behaviour of web-beautify.

Author: Alex Zarebski

Created: 2022-08-18 Thu 10:30
