

Table of Contents

Emacs Lisp the language


Use defvar to define a variable along with optionally an initial value and a docstring. Use setq to set the value of an existing variable.

Nonstandard evaluation

If you want to evaulate an element of a quoted list you can use , as in the following example:

`(a list of ,(+ 2 3) elements)
     => (a list of 5 elements)

If you want to expand a list out in a quoted list you can use ,@ as in the following example:

(setq some-list '(2 3))
     => (2 3)

(cons 1 (append some-list '(4) some-list))
     => (1 2 3 4 2 3)

`(1 ,@some-list 4 ,@some-list)
     => (1 2 3 4 2 3)

Program flow

  • progn to sequence commands and return the value of the last one.

String handling

The s.el library provides sensible string functions, see the notes below.

string interpolation

(s-format "foo ${bar}" 'aget `(("bar" . ,(+ 1 1))))

Working with dates and times

  • format-time-string to get datetime as a string
  • current-time for the current time as a list of integers
  • time-subtract and time-add for datetime arithmetic

Working with files

Function Use
directory-files list files in a directory

Working with passwords

(read-passwd "magic word: ")

More details are available in the docs.

System command

To run a system command/shell command there is shell-command.


Exercise 1.3

Define a procedure that takes three numbers as arguments and returns the sum of the squares of the two larger numbers.

  • Answer
    (defun square (x)
      (* x x))
    (defun sum-of-squares (x y)
      (+ (square x)
         (square y)))
    (defun biggest-two (a b c)
       ((and (< a b)
             (< a c))
        (list b c))
       ((and (< b a)
             (< b c))
        (list a c))
       ((and (< c a)
             (< c b))
        (list a b))))
    (defun foo (a b c)
      (apply 'sum-of-squares
             (biggest-two a b c)))

Emacs Lisp Packages


For parsing and encoding to JSON there is the json.el package.

Examples to and from a string

Open up a REPL in emacs and try the following

(json-encode '(("a" . 1) ("b" . "c")))
(json-read-from-string "{\"a\":1,\"b\":\"c\"}")

Examples reading from file

json-read-file to read from the given file.


The s.el library provides sensible string functions, see these notes for a table of commonly used functions.

Function Use Example
s-format string interpolation  
s-concat string concatenation (s-concat "foo" "bar")
s-join string concatenation (with separator) (s-join "-" '("foo" "bar"))
s-matches? regex matching  

Author: Alexander E. Zarebski

Created: 2023-04-13 Thu 17:13
