Table of Contents


Geocoding systems



mapshaper makes simplifies the task of checking raw spatial data, doing some basic pre-processing and then exporting it to the necessary format. There is mapshaper-gui which runs a server with a nice GUI and a useful console.

Mapping with vega-lite

See the vega-lite notes for examples of how to generate maps from TopoJSON data.

Spatial analysis in R



  • countrycode makes it easy to switch between different naming schemes and to compute some descriptions of countries.

Silly little notes

  • this looks like it might be useful for mapping with ggplot2.
  • The coordinate reference system (CRS) defines a rule for mapping longitude and latitude to points in \(\mathbb{R}^2\).
    • The EPSG system is simpler, consisting of predefined transformations
    • The PROJ4STRING system is more flexible but more complicated.
  • There is a `[.sf` function which allows for spatial subsetting, but it is probably better to use the more explicit functions for clarity.
  • The spData package on CRAN has some example data sets.
  • It is a work in progress to bring spatial analysis into the tidyverse, and for the time being there are several potential problems one should keep in mind:
    • There can be name clashes, so where possible use the full name of functions
    • Filtering by topological properties requires sparse = FALSE.
    • Binding rows can require some additional step.

Author: Alex Zarebski

Created: 2021-10-27 Wed 19:09
