Three-Dimensional Random Walk
What is the chance the simple random walk on \(\mathbb{Z}^{3}\) returns to its initial position?
Polya's Random Walk Theorem tells us that the probability of return in \(\mathbb{Z}^{2}\) is 1, however in higher dimensions it is not certain. In three dimensions it is approximately \(0.34\).
We can do a very rough calculation to get the return probabilities for 3 and 4 dimensions with the following script. It runs too slow to get more than the first digit correct though, even when compiled and with memoization.
restart(); kill(all); foldl(f, x0, xs) := if emptyp(xs) then x0 else foldl(f, f(x0, first(xs)), rest(xs)); prod(xs) := if emptyp(xs) then 0 else foldl("*", first(xs), rest(xs)); arraymap(a, xs) := map(lambda([x], a[x]), xs); l_1[n] := if evenp(n) then binomial(n, n/2) else 0; l_coeff(n, d) := if is(equal(n, 0)) then 1 else lsum(i, i, map( lambda([p], apply(multinomial_coeff, p) * prod(arraymap(l_1, p))), listify(flatten(map(permutations, integer_partitions(n, d)))))); L(z, d, N) := sum(l_coeff(2 * n, d) * z^(2 * n), n, 0, N); prob_return(d, N) := float(1 - 1 / L(1 / (2 * d), d, N)); compile(l_coeff); print(prob_return(3, 50)); /* 0.3107687252064985 */ print(prob_return(4, 10)); /* 0.1807480265784589 */